Dear Neighbor,
Last week, House Republicans were narrowly able to secure passage of their budget resolution. In my view, the resolution will ultimately lead to the enactment of a $4.5 trillion scheme that provides tax breaks to billionaires and increases the deficit, all at the expense of critical programs our communities rely on, including Medicaid, food assistance, and more.
I voted against this resolution because I believe it would be deeply harmful for working families, parents, kids, seniors, veterans, and our state’s most vulnerable populations.
To put this into perspective, the Republicans’ plan would strip 70,000 individuals in Colorado’s 2nd District alone — our neighbors — of their health care coverage. And, on average, local households covered under the Affordable Care Act would see their premiums increase by $210 per year.
That’s why I voted no—and why I will continue to urge my colleagues across the aisle to come to the table and negotiate a deal that helps, not hurts, the people.
Continue reading for other key updates.